Glen Bernard’s 100th season is quickly approaching, and we are eager to welcome our camp community to celebrate with us! It is appropriate that the 99th season be (almost) as memorable as the 100th season albeit for reasons we could not have imagined. The time spent at camp during Summer 2020 gave us an opportunity to reflect on what camp means to so many girls and women who have spent time at GBC. We heard from many of you about the impact summer camp has had on your lives; how it has shaped your view of the world, of others and of your hope for the future. GBC is looking towards the future with a sense of joy and excitement of what is to come.
A group of alumni have gathered together to also reflect on the camp’s past and its future with a mission to fund and present a meaningful contribution to Glen Bernard in celebration and acknowledgement of 100 years of camping. After a number of months of collaboration and consultation with Joc, the committee has set a fundraising goal of $150,000 with the proceeds to target two key projects. The first is a nod to the camp’s past through the total renovation of Mary S. Edgar’s cabin, Wigwam. The second is a promise of continued environmental sustainability to GBC’s future campers through the purchase of a new solar boat.
GBC is fortunate to have a strong alumni network, many of whom have already reached out to ask what they can contribute to in order to mark GBC’s centennial season. We are grateful for your kindness and participation in this wonderful opportunity! The 100th season alumni committee has asked that we provide the following contribution information:
Up to $49 – Camp Friends
$50 – $99 – Summer Sisters
$100 – $249 – Centennial Circle
$250 – $499 – Tadjar Trustees
$500 – $999 – Palm Patrons
$1,000+ – Mary S. Edgar Society
Contributions can be made by credit card via donorbox by clicking here. or by e transfer to If you would like to pay by cheque or by wire transfer, please email Kim Graydon at
As you are aware, Glen Bernard is a private camp and as such, is not able to offer any tax receipts for your contribution to the 100th Season Alumni Gift Project.
The following alumni have graciously agreed to assist in the effort by taking on the role of AC (this time it means Alumni Captain!).
Marion Fisher Hill (gbc 1945-1948) –
Mary “Betty” Grobb Anderson (gbc 1945-1961) –
Joey Bell Brown (gbc 1951-1961) –
Lynda Henry Lewis (gbc 1970-1984) –
Linda “Abbie” Abbott (gbc 1974-1980) –
Robin Muir Helgesen (gbc 1974 – 1977) –
Linda Crawford McCurdy (gbc 1974-1982) –
Susan Kneider (gbc 1975-1989) –
Cathy Anderson (gbc 1976 – 1982) –
Alison Hill (gbc 1977-1987) –
Andrea Webb (gbc 1977-1987) –
Symantha Rush (gbc 1977-1984) –
Tammy Long Stewart (gbc 1978-1986) –
Mary Milne Marshall (gbc 1978 – 1998) –
Vic Tait (gbc 1979-1990) –
Janet Mowat (gbc 1979-1995) –
Jessica Clarke McDougall (gbc 1980-1988) –
Kim Graydon (gbc 1980-1992) –
Taylor Decarie (gbc 1993-2006) –
Kelsey Ingram (gbc 1995-2002) –
Robyn Short (gbc 1998-2011) –
Aliya Hollingsworth (gbc 2001-2013) –
Greer Pickford (gbc 2009-2020) –
Please look for the alumni captain that corresponds with your years at GBC to find your contact person. They are ready and eager to welcome your email.
The outpouring of support with respect to the closure of camp due to COVID-19 but also to celebrate 100 years of GBC has been incredible. We are fortunate to know and be part of generations of families that call Glen Bernard home.
The members of the committee are grateful to have been part of the GBC community during our summers at camp and the many years since we were there. We wanted to organize this Alumni Gift campaign to show the importance of GBC to campers young and old. We hope that you will join us in recognizing GBC’s 100th season by making a contribution to help fund these exciting projects that celebrate our past and our future. Thank you for your support!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are my gift giving payment options?
You are able to gift money towards the 100th alumni gift by either sending
– an etransfer to the and using the password Wigwam2021
– visit to use a credit card
– writing a cheque (email to arrange)
– make a transfer through Western Union (email to arrange)
2. What is the money going towards?
The money we raise through this initiative is going to purchase a clean energy pontoon boat and a total renovation of Mary S. Edgar’s cabin, Wigwam.
3. How much are we hoping to raise?
We are hoping to raise $150,000.00. What is the money going towards?
The money we raise through this initiative is going to purchase a clean energy pontoon boat and a total renovation of Mary S. Edgar’s cabin, Wigwam.
4. What if I want a tax receipt?
Tax receipts can not be given out for this initiative as Glen Bernard Camp is a private business and not a charity.
5. Will my contribution be recognized?
All contributors will be recognized in the G&B newsletter following the 100th season.
6. How do I make my contribution anonymous?
Please state on your etransfer message or cheque that you would like your gift to be made anonymously.
7. What if I don’t remember my alumni captain?
If you don’t remember who your alumni captain is, visit (I will insert link to the project page on our website) to find out! It is not necessary to contact a captain to be part of the 100th Alumni Gift project. You can email the camp directly at
8. Do I need to contact an alumni captain to send my gift?
No, you do not need to contact an alumni captain to send a gift. You can reach out to the camp office directly at or 416-225-4166.
9. Is there a deadline for the latest I can give my gift?
Yes, there is a deadline of September 30, 2021 to give a gift for the 100th Season Alumni Gift Project.
10. Can I give a gift on behalf of an alumni?
Yes, you can absolutely give a gift on behalf of an alumni. Simply write on behalf of and the name of the alumni in the message portion of the etransfer on the memo line of the cheque.
11. Can I give a gift in memoriam to an alumni?
Yes, you can give a gift in memoriam of an alumni, Simply write In Memoriam and name of the alumni in the message portion of the etransfer on the memo line of the cheque.
12. What events are being held to celebrate the 100th season?
Keep up to date through the Alumni page on the GBC website
13. What if I don’t want to be contacted again?
Please email your alumni captain or Once a gift is made we can continue to update you on the progress of the project or take you off the gift giving correspondence.
14. What if I am not on the alumni list – how do I get on the alumni list?
if you have not been contacted and would like to be on the alumni contact list, please email camp at OR you are able to go to and enter your contact information on the alumni page.
15. What if I know someone who isn’t on the camp mailing list?
Please contact and we will reach out to them to ask their permission to be added to the alumni database.