The Canada Post strike action got me thinking about the importance of mail at camp, especially when the use of instant communication via cell phones is a no go!
For campers (and staff!) one of the only things more exciting than tuck at camp is mail delivery. Mail delivery means someone outside of camp is thinking about them. What are they doing? Who is in their cabin? Do they have a favourite activity so far?
If a camper gets a package, the level of excitement is two fold! Some of the best packages include things campers can share with their cabin-mates. Glow in the dark bracelets, cards, stickers, temporary tattoos. Assistant Counsellor, Lisanne, received a horse finger puppet! One request? No food please!
Mail received home from campers is equally as exciting. As a parent, we want to hear that they are having the best time of their lives, they conquered a new skill or made a new friend. Sometimes, those letters aren’t exactly what we had hoped. Our kids are homesick or sad. Rips your heart out as a parent doesn’t it? I’ve had those letters. What I can tell you is that for the most part, by the time we get these letters, our campers have moved through their homesickness or sadness. It is a moment for us to be proud of our kids, learning to cope with their emotions on their own or with the help of a staff member. When you reply, via letter, tell your camper how proud you are of them for acknowledging their feelings and encourage them to continue learning, playing and having as much fun as possible!
In today’s technology filled world, camp is a time to not underestimate the power of the written word, in a letter.